CoQ10 Benefits

CoQ10 Benefits

9 minute read

There are many substances in our body that protect it and promote better health. They improve our immune system and provide the organs with the necessary nutrients to function optimally. They also help us process energy and keep us going on those days we need it. While there are factors in our life we cannot control, we can supplement our body to improve it overall.

CoQ10 is one of those substances that naturally occurs within our body. It is also present in the food we eat. Studies show us that it helps improve our metabolism and acts as an antioxidant, providing many positive benefits.

What is CoQ10?

Also known as Coenzyme Q10, scientists first discovered CoQ10 in 1957. The Q10 in its name refers to the enzyme’s chemical makeup. You can find it in several major organs in the body, such as the pancreas, kidney, heart, and liver. It helps these organs function by contributing to their various chemical reactions. They also provide energy to the cells.

Upon further study, most seafood and meat also contained this vitamin-like substance. Over time, scientists learned to create CoQ10 within a laboratory. Much of CoQ10 is available today in supplement form. It leads to improvements in many parts of the body, especially in ailments involving the major organs.

Lowered Production

Over the years, many factors contribute to the lower production of CoQ10 in the body. Its deficiency is one of the reasons people experience lower energy levels and slower repair rates. Here are some factors that can lower CoQ10’s levels:

     Mitochondrial disorders

     Genetic mutations

     Cholesterol-lowering medications (Statins)


CoQ10 in Food

While one of the best ways to get CoQ10 is through supplements, you can also make adjustments to your diet. Targeting CoQ10 rich food adds more to your body. Studies show that supplements and food have the same effect and absorption rate. Here are some to consider:

     Meat: pork, chicken, and beef

     Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower

     Fruits: strawberries and oranges

     Fish: sardine, herring, mackerel, and trout

     Legumes: peanuts, lentils, and soybeans

     Oils: canola and soybean oil

     Seeds and nuts: pistachios and sesame seeds

The Health Benefits

One of the most popular uses of CoQ10 is to treat various heart-related diseases. Studies show that as most bodies get older, they produce less of this substance. CoQ10 has proven to improve heart condition and circulation. Patients experiencing high blood pressure have experienced lower numbers. It has also been effective in treatments for:

     Chest pain

     Congestive heart failure

     Heart attack

Scientists and doctors also linked CoQ10 deficiency with general weakness. Many of those who lacked it suffered from persistent fatigue and, in some cases, seizures. It is rare for a person to experience CoQ10 deficiency though the supplement provides good results regardless.

In cases of muscle weakness, CoQ10 proves effective in reducing and eliminating symptoms. However, it requires a consistent intake of the supplement. For some people, it takes around six months before they experience freedom. Aside from weakness and heart issues, here are other conditions where CoQ10 showed effectiveness:

     Diabetes: CoQ10 reduces nerve pain and improves nerve damage in diabetes patients. While it does help with nerve pain, it does not reduce blood sugar levels.

     Peyronie disease: Research shows that the supplement reduces the pain for men with the disease. It also improves erectile function.

     Migraines: Regular intake of CoQ10 helps prevent migraines, decreasing the frequency by about 30%. It also helps prevent nausea. Doctors suggest dosage for three months for noticeable benefits.

     Multiple sclerosis: Taking the enzyme reduces the disease’s negative effect on the patient’s mood. They also improve their energy flow.

     Chronic muscle pain (fibromyalgia): CoQ10 reduces pain and helps patients get to sleep. It also reduces muscle tenderness.

Insufficient Evidence

While there isn’t sufficient data, there haven’t been any positive effects for CoQ10 intake for several diseases. Fatigue caused by polio and cancer does not link to a lack of CoQ10. The supplement does not improve energy levels for these patients. It also doesn’t have any noticeable effect on helping people who have ALS or Alzheimer’s disease.

Even then, regular intake of CoQ10 helps prevent many diseases before they start. There isn’t enough data to fully prove many of these claims, but there are some illnesses CoQ10 prevents. For some, it shows signs of reduced symptoms.

     Reduces risk of breast cancer

     Lowers bad cholesterol by a small amount

     Improves fertility

     Improves liver health and prevents fatty liver disease

     Improves wrinkled skin

     Reduces depression caused by bipolar disorder

     Lessens dry mouth

Side Effects

CoQ10 is available in two types. The first is an ingested supplement. There have been no side effects associated with directly taking CoQ10 supplements. Some patients experience a few mild symptoms due to large intake. These are:

     Skin rashes

     Loss of appetite

     Upset stomach




     Lowered blood pressure

One way to reduce symptoms or even eliminate them is to divide the dosage. Instead of taking the daily dose in one go, you can divide it into two or three doses throughout the day.

The second type of CoQ10 application is through the skin. Some CoQ10 products are available in skincare lines, such as creams. There is also a variety that you apply to your gums for faster absorption. This type has exhibited no noticeable side effects.

There are no special requirements when taking CoQ10 supplements. It is safe for both children and pregnant women. When dealing with children, it’s best to take CoQ10 under medical supervision.

Precautions Against Medicinal Interactions

CoQ10 only has mild effects and symptoms with direct dosage, but you should be wary of its interaction with other medications. You should not take CoQ10 if you are under any of the following:

     Chemotherapy: Data shows CoQ10 poses a risk of decreasing the effectiveness of cancer medicine.

     Coumadin: Medicine that works to slow blood clotting will not interact well with CoQ10. It helps the blood clot, which will decrease Coumadin’s effectiveness. If you happen to mix the two, you’ll need to consult the doctor to change Coumadin’s dosage.

     Antihypertensive drugs: CoQ10 shows that it decreases blood pressure. Mixing it with hypertensive drugs might heighten the effect too much. Lowered blood pressure is not healthy for the body. Avoid using CoQ10 with medications like Diovan, Lasix, Vasotec, and the like.

Proper Dosage

There are two types of CoQ10: ubiquinone, and ubiquinol. Ubiquinol works with the body speedily as it has a composition similar to what the body has. For most treatments, ubiquinol works the best. It is also very accessible, with most products found in online marketplaces.

The dosage will differ depending on the condition you want to treat. Most doses will require at most 300 mg, except in the case of CoQ10 deficiency. Here is the recommended dosage per condition:

     Migraine: Take 100 mg three times a day. You can also spread it at 100mg a day for three months. Lesser dosage means a lesser chance of developing noticeable side effects.

     Nerve damage caused by diabetes: 400mg daily for 12 weeks.

     Muscle weakness and fatigue (dystrophy): 100mg daily for 12 weeks. For mitochondrial myopathy, a dosage of 150-160mg per day is ideal.

     Heart conditions: 120mg in two doses. Daily intake for one year. In the case of fluid buildup, 30mg daily.

     Multiple sclerosis: 500mg two times a day. Continuous dosage for three months.

     Peyronie disease: 300mg daily for six months.

     CoQ10 deficiency: 150 to 2400mg daily, depending on the deficiency.

CoQ10 is fat-soluble, meaning that it stays in the body longer before full absorption. One way to help your body absorb it faster is to take the supplements with food. Based on tests, absorption increases by three times the rate when you combine it. You can also opt for an oil-based version of CoQ10, which has better absorption.

The maximum amount you can take without any major side effects is 1,200 mg daily. The test with this dosage showed no problems for daily usage of up to 16 months. It’s important to note that while absorption is slower, the body doesn’t store CoQ10. It is why many treatments need to be used daily to reap the benefits. As minor side effects appear, it’s best to split up the dosage into two or three smaller ones.

Putting It All Together

CoQ10 provides many health benefits, whether taken for a certain ailment or as a general supplement. Its antioxidant properties help normalize circulation and provide extra energy. Many of those who take report improved energy levels, and better mental function. It is a substance that is non-toxic, and the body tolerates it well.

Our body produces CoQ10 in lesser amounts as we age, making it highly beneficial for adults. Taking CoQ10 supplements alongside CoQ10 rich foods yields the best benefits for health. It can prevent chronic disease, preserving your cells.

CoQ10 supplements are a safe option that causes few side effects. When in doubt, consult a healthcare professional first. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate supplements, so make sure to purchase ones tested by independent labs.



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